The Prayers of the People
This sleeping, this fidgeting, this tuning in and out of worship, this longing, this loving, this holding, this noticing, it’s all worship. It’s all prayer.
This sleeping, this fidgeting, this tuning in and out of worship, this longing, this loving, this holding, this noticing, it’s all worship. It’s all prayer.
Lord of Light, Come. Open my hands to embrace the lonely. Open my hands to bring food to a neighbor. Open my hands to receive words of forgiveness.
Come and fill my heart, O Lord. Help me to rest. Help me to sit in the stillness. Come and fill my heart, O Lord.
For this season of Lent and forever more. Come, Lord Jesus. I am here. Waiting. Hoping. Loving. Seeking you.
I’ll start with God. With love. With hope. With grace. With forgiveness.
The cross was my constant companion. It traveled with me whenever I embarked on a new adventure. The words from Jeremiah are engraved on it:
Some days full of grace and mercy. Other days full of love and hope.
It’s as simple as one prayer and as powerful as a thousand prayers. It’s our whole hearts and minds and bodies given to these children. Surrounding them and holding them close.
The internet is so loud. So full of stuff. So angry. So confusing. So controversial. But there is goodness to be found. There is hope in this piece of the world that connects us.
Letter from God: on this start of the new year, this beginning, I give you not another to-do list or way to be healthier or smarter or greener.