Living Water
“The discipline of prayer will not seem to meet the yearning of the heart in the same way that falling in love seems to. But over time the one praying will learn that it is the more true, more satisfying answer.”
“The discipline of prayer will not seem to meet the yearning of the heart in the same way that falling in love seems to. But over time the one praying will learn that it is the more true, more satisfying answer.”
“After awhile, my imagining of God gave way to envisioning Christ”
“My betrayals are small, but they are endless, part of the fabric of my everyday life.”
“God yearns for relationship with us, and prayer is the medium through which this happens.”
“We have to take off the clothing we have come in with – our attitudes, values and assumptions about the world and about God – so that we can put on that which allows us to celebrate the mind-boggling, boundless love and belonging that are God’s true kingdom.”
“The best I can do is to say he is as vulnerable as it is possible for a person to be. And, for that reason, this is my image of God: God is completely and utterly vulnerable.”
‘Take care that you do not despise one of these little ones; for, I tell you, in heaven their angels continually see the face of my Father in heaven.’ – Matthew 18:10
“This common essence in three persons is a dance of relationship in which abundant, astounding creativity spins out at every turn, unlimited, unbounded, and yet welcoming in every way to us little finite beings.”
“All of us, his disciples in the world today, are to feed people – literally and figuratively.”