Travel Light!!
“Today we have a story about Jesus’s advance team. It’s hard to know what their aspirations or hopes might have been but Jesus gave them the same advice that we gave our 20th century advance team: Travel light!”
“Today we have a story about Jesus’s advance team. It’s hard to know what their aspirations or hopes might have been but Jesus gave them the same advice that we gave our 20th century advance team: Travel light!”
“Hard as it is, these bodies are dead. We can not help them. But there are other bodies, living bodies. If we set our face to the future, we know that we’d better fight like hell for those bodies.”
“You don’t have to have much faith, apparently. You can yell out to God, “Leave me alone,” and that is all God needs to know that you want to be made well.”
“Here’s the gospel in the Trinity: God speaks of Godself as an individual, “I am…” God says. God the Father says it, God the Son says it, God the Holy Spirit says it. That is part of the Trinity, or the inner life of God. God is also present to the other members of the divine collective. God the Father is, God the Son is, and God the Holy Spirit is.”
“…For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear,
but you have received a spirit of adoption.”
Romans 8
“As is often the case, the answer has something to do with love. God loved Jesus and that is why he gave him glory… presence… the ability to see God in everyday living.”
“That short conversation flipped a switch for me and I suddenly knew that when you have love in your life it builds up reserves which allow you to invest, even to make risky investments, because you don’t need the return.”
“The hiddenness and secretiveness of this miracle gives me a lot of hope because I can’t always see what God might be doing in my own life. Sometimes I get a clue, but I often don’t even recognize that. Even then, it is just a clue. I do not know what is going on in the depths. I may never find out.”
“God never sends a prophet when things are going good. Have you noticed that? It’s only when the kingdom is in peril, when all is about to be lost. To us, in the moment of desolation it may seem as if all is already lost. It may seem that way for a long time. But, if God sends a prophet then there is hope. Prophets are God’s way of saying that She has not given up, even if we have.”
“I know that I am something of a hard case when it comes to really following God, but I suspect that I am not alone. You, too, may have made some false, even foolish, starts in your effort to “prepare a way for the Lord,” to make it possible for God to come and live with you and be a revolutionary force for change.”