Author: Lora Walsh

Speaking to the Soul: Wordless Gospel

The beginning of today’s gospel reading includes the last moments of Jesus’s conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well. We’ve skipped over all the extraordinary content of the conversation, but the brief scene in today’s gospel tells us some remarkable things about Jesus without saying a word.

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Speaking to the Soul: Approaching the Cross

In the past few weeks, I’ve met with people who, when they try to take a step toward mercy and help, find their way blocked. In some cases, the church itself, and me personally, have been experienced as barriers to that mercy and help. Sometimes, particular communities and individuals are very powerful conduits of the merciful embrace and gracious help of Jesus. But at other times, we find ourselves blocking the way between the powerful work of Jesus and the profound needs of people.

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Speaking to the Soul: You Didn’t Build That

We forget that we’ve eaten our fill thanks in part to whole systems of undercompensated labor, generations of agricultural advances, and the blessings of fertile soil and favorable climates. We forget that we have shelter thanks in part to government subsidies and home mortgages that have historically favored some racial groups over others.

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Speaking to the Soul: Everything’s Under Control

Imagine if that were the priority of Christians everywhere: the pursuit of real freedom from all the substances, stereotypes, and systems that enslave us. Imagine if it weren’t acceptable to plead that we were simply “unable” to recognize the signs that someone in our sphere of responsibility, or merely in our midst, was enslaved in the ways that the Scripture warns us about. Imagine if we couldn’t claim that we simply didn’t have the right information, or that our processes were faulty.

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Speaking to the Soul: The Poetic Core

There’s an interesting theory about today’s gospel reading. Quite possibly, the author of John’s gospel crafted this passage by adding theological commentary and narrative material to what was originally a poem or hymn text familiar to Christians in his community.

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Speaking to the Soul: Unpredictable

These early disciples simply persisted in following Jesus without predicting, let alone controlling, the outcomes of Jesus’ life and ministry. As we follow him today, let’s worry less about the predictions that help us feel in control, and instead allow Jesus to accompany us in our confusion and uncertainty.

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