Sin is a form of stubbornness, the idea that I can do what I want, when I want, to whom I want to do it, and in the manner I choose to do it.
Sin is a form of stubbornness, the idea that I can do what I want, when I want, to whom I want to do it, and in the manner I choose to do it.
Change has come. Change is coming. Change will come, and will we change with it or will we remain the same?
There are some days that are better than others, like days when you don’t hit every red light when you’re late leaving the house for work, or you ran out of milk after and remit only remembered after you had poured the cereal.
One person, one action, one small deed of kindness, one check, one thank you, one smile like all little things, can join together to become a big thing, and the big thing can change the world.
But I also need to remember that I must praise God, and to remember I have a responsibility to do what I can to help bring this chaos into a state that God would truly call a kingdom.
I think Psalm 121 is a good one for us these days, since it’s a comforting song but it also offers hope. It tells us that God won’t let our feet be moved and that God will never slumber nor sleep.
My house is a mess. I’ve been busy with studying and errands, so the floor has enough cat hair on it to make wall-to-wall carpeting,
this week I’m going to look inside for validation of my worth, not waiting for someone else to do it for me (even if they could). As I said before, I just need God and Jesus. The rest is up to me.