Miracle Food
“Yet it is in the mundane and the banal that we often find the strongest evidence that God is working with us every day to be a part of the restoration of the world.”
“Yet it is in the mundane and the banal that we often find the strongest evidence that God is working with us every day to be a part of the restoration of the world.”
It’s an awful place, the bottom…the place where we’ve run out of tears, the place where we feel useless and entirely emptied out. Yet…it’s the place where we have the highest likelihood of encountering God.
What are the gifts you might have that aid in the discernment of the gifts of others in your spiritual community?
Where is God asking you to keep bailing, yet at the same time trust God’s paying attention to the storm?
How do we learn to sit, with God’s help, among unpleasant truths of the past, alongside people in history who we can no longer simply laud their good works without commentary of larger, more corporate sins in which they participated?
If we want to be blunt about it, Simeon and Anna are essentially two old geezers who hang around the temple all the time. Simeon has visions now and then, and Anna is always prophesying. We can only imagine what the nice polite temple-goers think about all that. My bet is, because they’re old and a tad odd, they are not always taken seriously
So many times, discouragement over our present political climate can erode our own sense of holiness, and Wulfstan gives us all reason to take heart.
This is about how all of us belongs to God–every muscle, sinew, and organ, as well as every thought and hope that flies out of our neurons–and God’s promise of a new, dazzling body that makes our mortal bodies of flesh pale in comparison, that we can scarcely comprehend.
I had no idea at the time, of course, that this wonderful amalgamation of local culture into liturgy was very typical and in keeping with our theology that we make God accessible to the people by making the liturgy accessible to the people, and with its own local flavor, even in the middle of a very set liturgy.
Yes, it means the banquet is going to be louder and more raucous, but unlike the fake peace that is simply the absence of conflict, the potential to share and experience the love of Christ and the true peace of Christ is absolutely alluring.