Author: Jon White

Bishop of Arizona addresses anti-Semitism in Holy Week

Recently, in an online e-pistle, the Rt Rev Jennifer Reddall, bishop of Arizona asked congregations to consider the church’s history of anti-Semitic practices in their planning for Holy Week, including suggesting alternatives to any congregations that might have considered a “Christian” Seder.

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Subversive Undercroft #187: Koinonia

We start with a Lenten check in, learn a bit about what Jesus was up to while he was among the dead, and finish up our conversation on the decalogue as presented in the BCP catechism.

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Change is gonna come

I am excited to announce that the Rev’s Amy Haynie and Tracie Middleton have been named as the new Managing Editors for the Episcopal Cafe

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Weekly Roundup for February 1

Apologies that aren’t apologetic, some significant milestones, and everyday people doing amazing things; it’s our weekly roundup of stories you don’t want to miss

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Weekend Roundup for January 25

Lots from the recent gathering of Primates, the PB seems to be everywhere at once, and more – it’s our weekly roundup of stories from around the church and the world.

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