Author: Peter Levenstrong

Warning to the Church in Sardis

“My fellow Episcopalians, our churches have beautiful facades that proclaims all people are welcome to come and worship inside, regardless of who they may be. Yet, so many people enter our doors, believing that to be true, only to learn, from things that are said to them, the way certain comments are phrased, that they’re not truly able to bring their whole selves to worship in this congregation.”

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Toe Jam Vintage

“Now, in reading today’s Gospel in commemoration of Martin Luther, one could easily fall into thinking that the “pruning” and “casting into the fire” that’s being referred to here is about tossing heretics and apostates into the flames of hell.”

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Precepts and Paperclips

“Those who would stop, reflect upon their changed context, and realize that perhaps the spirit of the law means something new in our new context, are tasked with drawing lines from one context to another, reaching theological and ethical conclusions about how to implement the spirit of a command offered in a different time and place.”

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The Prayer of Hannah

“Here in the story of Hannah, we see how this God who performs the great reversal on the worldly fate of us creatures has been doing so not just since Jesus’ time, but since the early days of Jewish history. And try as I might to convince myself otherwise, I know that I am one who Hannah describes as ‘full.'”

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Backpacking with Teresa

“To many of us, who nowadays so often feel trapped indoors, and who often use our weekends to flee the cities and flock to the outdoors, the idea of retreating indoors to find God might seem less appealing. I wonder, then, if we can honor St. Teresa on her feast day by extending her vision of God to the outer world, and envisioning the soul’s journey on a spiritual pilgrimage of a backpacking trip?”

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Hildegard of Bingen

Hildegard of Bingen is a saint full of contradictions. Despite being known primarily for her writings, some of which were quite intellectual, Hildegard was all about embodiment in the world of God’s creation.

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The “Armor of Light”?

“Instead, though I find Paul’s language misses the mark of what our Christian vocation is truly about, I turn to the Gospels and find hope in Jesus’ message. This Sunday’s message makes it clear that the life lived while following Jesus is not one of militaristic force and power, but rather one that is freely given, and freely accepted.”

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Perceiving God in Action

“The thing is, if we are offspring of a living God in Whom we live and move and have our being, then we should be able to be very concrete and clear about where we see God moving in the world around us. In our parish life, for sure, but also in the world at large; we should not be able to pick up a newspaper without seeing God at work in its pages.”

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