Special guest Corey Bruins joins for a lively conversation about turning the temple into a market place, what is righteous anger, and remembering to notice the impact of our words and actions on the world around us.
A look in to the amazing life of Catherine of Siena, mystic, activist, author, and doctor of the church
“The only answer to the question of sin is Jesus”
Owen Hodges and Karen Ray Nelson join as guests to consider Jesus’ openness, the way we process corrections, and our ever present choice to turn and face the Cross.
This week, 2FAB looks at the 13th century dutch poet and mystic, St Hadewijch
Faith To Go formation team members Charlette Preslar, The Reverend Hannah Wilder and guest Maya Little-Sana discuss our belovedness, how quickly we can forget it, and our call to help each other remember.
We learn a little about funny priest hats plus we get into a wide ranging conversation reflecting on the first four commandments as presented in our catechism.
2FAB explores the life and legacy of the German Benedictine nun, mystic, and theologian St Gertrude
Is there spirituality to be found in classic music videos?