Faith to Go for September 29
Jesus’ parable of the rich man and Lazarus from this week’s gospel reading, it’s implications for our spiritual lives, and what conversations at home will be like based on these gospel themes.
Jesus’ parable of the rich man and Lazarus from this week’s gospel reading, it’s implications for our spiritual lives, and what conversations at home will be like based on these gospel themes.
Good fortune is an invitation to generosity
How might Jesus’ story of the dishonest manager impact our lives today?
Luci and Jordan on this desert mother who disguised herself as a man, in penance, and lived as a monk until her death.
We may not be culpable for the systemic evil that surrounds us, but we are too often complicit.
We discuss Jesus’ teachings about joy and abundance in God’s pursuit of our healing and wellness from this week’s gospel reading
God can be hard to find in the noise and distraction; but is hard to miss in the small still moments of our lives
Jordan and Luci talk about this 4th century desert mother
How can we possibly afford the cost of following in Jesus’ footsteps?
Luci and Jordan delve into the life and legacy of St Thecla