In this episode, Luci and Jordan walk humbly with the prophet Micah
In this episode we explore deconstructionism and the Episcopal Church with The Rev Connor Gwin, Canon for Social Engagement and Christian Formation in the Diocese of Southwest Virginia
Luci and Jordan open up Jonah, which is definitely not a boring part of the Bible!
Jesus is alive! Thats’s as true for us as for the disciples 2000 years ago; and he’s still inviting us into a scary unknown place with him.
Episode 15: Holy Week & Easter experiences, ministry, and the wonders of the Holy Spirit
Episode 80: Betsy, Greg, and Liz welcome special guest Michelle Meech to discuss their most memorable episodes of television and why the memory of them lingers.
Luci and Jordan take apart the whole of Obadiah – all 21 verses
We who have experienced the living Christ in every generation are entrusted with a mighty treasure, the Good News; and the obligation to share it widely and fearlessly with the world.
We are confronted with the central mystery of Christian life, the resurrection of Christ – what are we to make of this confounding, amazing, and audacious act of God?