Faith to Go: Fear and Foreboding
David and Charlette discuss the themes of Advent and the story of Jesus’ call to be awake and keep our heads up.
David and Charlette discuss the themes of Advent and the story of Jesus’ call to be awake and keep our heads up.
Joe may have set his parent’s house on fire with his ugly Jesus collection and Drew uses religious guilt to steal the shirt off of man’s back. Then they start trying to figure out how you can turn the other cheek and also carry a pistol.
We’re beginning our conversation on the sacraments, those mysterious moments when we recognize the spirit of God breaking out in our lives. Plus we talk about kissing in church and the virtue of tin cans and string as a communications device.
Y’all: Harriet Tubman is *even more* badass than we knew from history class. Check out our pod to learn more today!
Special guest Rachel Ambasing joins discuss Jesus’ conversation with Pontius Pilate from this coming Sunday’s gospel
Joe explains why acupuncture is better than dentistry. Drew can‘t wait to tell everyone that he actually finished reading an article from The Atlantic. And they begin a BIG conversation about Jesus’ anti-resistance resistance movement.
This week, it’s Luci and Jordan on the abolitionist and author, Harriet Beecher Stowe
David and Charlette discuss the story of Jesus predicting the fall of the temple in Jerusalem from next week’s gospel
Pete Enns, co-host of The Bible For Normal People, teaches us what we’re really talking about when we talk about the Bible. And speaking of divine speech, Pete finally admits that Crisis of Faith is the OTHER God-ordained podcast on the internet.
Jon is completely stumped by the glossary and then struggles trying to figure out why the BCP defines oblation as a kind of prayer