Subversive Undercroft: Episode 27
Evil always recognizes God and seeks to blind us to the presence; to follow Christ is to open our eyes
Evil always recognizes God and seeks to blind us to the presence; to follow Christ is to open our eyes
An often overlooked short collection of poetry
In this episode: we talk all things Rite II Prayer C
A great new podcast with two guys who love nothing more than getting together and nerding out about all aspects of worship. In this episode they definitely do not talk about the Collect for Purity – but do cover alot of other ground
Luci and Jordan open the second scroll of Jeremiah
We’re moving through the prophets and in this episode it’s Jeremiah; the James Joyce of Scripture
We look at the state of technology use in our churches and discuss how it might enhance worship as well as why it so often seems to feel disconnected from it.
More Isaiah! Luci and Jordan finish up with the prophet Isaiah
Bonus holiday episode! With Byron Borger, owner of Hearts and Minds Bookstore in Dallastown, Pennsylvania, talking about why books matter, Amazon’s evil, shop local, John Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes, the reformation, using tech wisely with children and youth, and more.
In this last episode for 2017, Luci and Jordan continue with second Isaiah, the part of Isaiah referencing the period of Babylonian exile