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Our site was down for about anhor and fifteen minutes, and though the crash coincided with my unfortunate counteance being beamed into living rooms via Fox News, the events were unrelated. It was a power outage in Atlanta that took us off line. I don’t even know if Fox mentioned the blog, although the correspondent who interviewed me said that she would. See, I didn’t make it home in time to see the segment, and my wife and older son were out, so I relied on my 11-year-old to tell me what I’d said.

His translation: You kind of said that if they didn’t want you to write things down about gay marriage that might work, but that if they wanted you to take away their rights that probably wouldn’t work.

Close enough for church work.

Meanwhile, my wife did get home in time to see Susan Russell and Kendall Harmon on the News Hour with Jim Lehrer, and thought that they were both effective. Their transcript is here.

Here is some of what turned up while we were offline.

A transcript and audio of a brief interview that Matthew Davies of ENS had with Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. If you’ve read the PB’s Word ot the Church (two items down) you’re familiar with most of this material.

An eloquent statement on the communique from Bishop Marc Andrus of the Diocese of California.

Raspberry Rabbit’s latest.

The Mad Priest continues to have fun with pictures.

The Admiral hoists the Primates on their own stilted rhetorical petard. Tobias has some fun with the statement, too.

Here’s Rachel Zoll of AP on the PB’s statement.

And here’s a Newsweek interview with Bishop Mark Sisk of New York.

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