Back to Church Sunday

Anglican churches across Britain hope to attract up to 30,000 new faces on Sunday after a drive to extend personal invitations to would-be worshippers according to BBC News.

This is the fourth Back to Church Sunday and involves 38 dioceses across England.

In addition, Churches Together in Scotland, the Church in Wales, Baptist, Methodist, United Reformed and Elim Pentecostal churches, and Anglican churches in New Zealand and Canada are also taking part.

Organisers hope that some 30,000 newcomers and returners might attend – a figure based on an average of 10 people returning to each church.

Regular worshippers have been encouraged to give VIP invitation cards to friends and neighbours, while some bishops have gone to much greater lengths to spread the word:

In Nottinghamshire, Bishop of Sherwood, the Rt Rev Tony Porter, went underground to meet miners at Welbeck Colliery.

Bishop of Doncaster, the Rt Rev Cyril Ashton, donned his motorbike leathers and rode to four areas of the Diocese of Sheffield to promote the Church to fellow bikers.

A group of parishes in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, took over a shop front in the town centre to hand out invitations to passing shoppers.

Four bishops in the Diocese of Lichfield placed adverts in football match programmes to reach out to fans. They read: “Because Jesus has already taken the penalty, you can be saved.”

Read more here.

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