Beer tasting to be prize for Episcopal Relief fundraiser

President of the House of Deputies Gay Jennings and the The House of Deputies Episcopal Relief & Development 75th Anniversary Steering Committee are encouraging Deputations to raise funds to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Episcopal Relief and Development. The prize for the Deputation that raises the most money is a Beer Tasting in Salt Lake City during General Convention.

I wonder, good fun or bad idea? Does this perpetuate the stereotype of the Episcopal Church or trying to show that we drink responsibly. What “equally attractive alternative beverage” is being offered? (according to our resolutions?)

Feast of the Epiphany
January 6, 2015

Dear General Convention 2015 Deputies and Alternates:

In November, House of Deputies President Gay Clark Jennings wrote to you with news of a deputy-led campaign in celebration of Episcopal Relief & Development’s 75th anniversary. Today, with great hope and excitement, we are kicking off that effort. Our goal is to raise $75,000 between today, the Feast of the Epiphany, and the end of General Convention 2015. We are writing to invite you and your deputation to participate in this joyful effort, which we are calling “Deputies Helping to Heal a Hurting World.”

Below you will find all the information you will need to participate. If each deputy and alternate personally donates (or raises) $100, we will more than meet our goal.

Join the Fun!

How your deputation participates in this campaign is up to you, and the sky is the limit.

Just to sweeten the pot, here is an incentive: Deputy William Miller of the Diocese of Hawaii, author of The Beer Drinker’s Guide to God,” will host a beer tasting at the Beer Hive Pub in Salt Lake City during General Convention for the deputation that raises the most money in the campaign. The winning deputation will be announced during the first legislative day of the House of Deputies at General Convention.

Read the whole letter here.


posted by Ann Fontaine

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