NY Times reports on the annual meeting of change ringers at Trinity Wall Street.
Trinity this week is the focus of the American bell-ringing world. The North American Guild of Change Ringers is holding its annual meeting at the church, which in New York fashion is promoting a mini-festival of classes, ringing performances and private sessions, including a 24-hour marathon beginning at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday (which will take place behind sound-baffling shutters and only if the church can find enough ringers). Public sessions are scheduled for noon and 4 p.m. on Saturday, along with the normal ringing before and after services on Sunday morning.
The meeting is a sign of Trinity’s rapid arrival as a beacon of bell towers: three years ago it installed a set of 12 bells, making it the only church in the nation with that many. Canada and the United States have about 45 functioning bell towers between them. North America’s only other 12-bell tower is at the Cathedral Church of St. James in Toronto.
Watch and listen to the slide show here.
National Association of Change Ringers has this video showing a peal.