Bishop Libby Lane to be installed at Chester Cathedral on International Women’s Day

The Church of England’s first woman bishop, Libby Lane, will be installed in her new position as eighth Bishop of Stockport on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2015. One thousand five hundred are expected to attend the “fully booked” event, at Chester Cathedral.

From a release on the Diocese of Chester website:

During the service Bishop Libby will be presented with her pastoral staff and be welcomed by the civic and faith communities from across the Diocese of Chester.

The installation – marking the formal start of Libby’s new ministry in our diocese – will take place as part of a service choral evensong.

Bishop Libby, aged 48, was previously Vicar of Hale and Ashley in the Chester Diocese from 2007-14. She is married to the Revd George Lane, coordinating chaplain at Manchester Airport. They were one of the first married couples in the Church of England to be ordained together.

During the Rt. Reverend Libby Lane’s first public appearance as bishop, she spoke out on human trafficking. From the BBC’s report:

he Rt Rev Libby Lane called for more support for victims, at the launch of Manchester Airport’s Travel Safe Week.

“This evil that we are addressing will not go away without commitment and struggle,” the bishop said.

According to children’s charity Unicef, 1.2 million children are trafficked every year.

Posted by Cara Ellen Modisett

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