Bishop of Vermont releases statement on gun control

The Rt. Reverend Thomas Ely, Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Vermont, has written a statement in support of a gun control bill to be decided by the Vermont legislature:

I am writing today to express my support for S.31, the bill currently before the Vermont legislature, that would require criminal background checks on unlicensed sales of firearms, prohibit violent felons from possessing guns, and require timely submission of relevant court records to the National Instant Background Check System when a person has been adjudicated as being a danger to themselves or others. I appreciate the thoughtful and sensible legislation introduced by Senators Campbell, Baruth and Ayers.

As Bishop of Vermont and as a member of Bishops United Against Gun Violence, a group of over 60 bishops of The Episcopal Church serving across the United States, I am committed to reducing the alarming levels of gun violence in our society and advocating policies and legislation that save lives. I believe we have a moral obligation as faith leaders to work together with legislators to alleviate suffering in our world by establishing policies that make our communities safer places.

The full text can be found here.

Posted by Cara Modisett

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