Bishop Adams of Western KS to leave his post

We have received an email reporting the end of the episcopate of The Rt. Rev. James Adams, bishop of the Diocese of Western Kansas.

I am pleased to announce, on behalf of Bishop Howe, that the Right Reverend James Adams, Bishop of Western Kansas has been elected and appointed Vicar of Shepherd of the Hills, Lecanto. Bishop Adams is leaving the Diocese of Western Kansas after serving in the capacity of Diocesan Bishop for eight years. He and his wife, Stacey, have a strong calling to return to parish life and to work, where preaching, teaching, and pastoral care are again the emphasis of his ministry and their family may again be part of a congregation’s life and ministry.

Bishop Adams is a graduate of the University of Texas at El Paso and has an MDiv and DD from The General Theological Seminary.

He expects to begin his new duties on March 15, 2010. You may write a note of welcome and congratulations to the Bishop at bishopadams[AT]dwks.kscoxmail[DOT]com


The Rev. Canon Ernest L. Bennett

Diocese of Central Florida


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