Bishop Budde on President Obama’s “evolution”

(Via e-mail) Bishop Mariann Budde of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington released the following statement on President Barack Obama’s endorsement of marriage equality:

“I want to thank President Barack Obama for his forthright description of how he came to change his mind on the issue of marriage equality. While some commentators are dismissing the President’s “evolution,” the fact is that many of us have a similar story to tell. We grew up in social and spiritual traditions that taught us that same-gender orientation was a perversion, was a sin. Yet over time, and in relationship with people whose lives and examples contradicted our assumptions, we came to a different conclusion. Eventually, we came to realize that the sacred traditions we thought were opposed to same-gender relationships had much to say in support of them.

“The President acknowledged that it was the example of staff members in committed, monogamous relationships; the same-gender parents of his daughters’ friends, and brave gay and lesbian soldiers that made him reconsider his opposition to marriage equality. This is only fitting. Jesus said that by their fruits you would know them. The President, like millions of other Americans, recognized goodness and holiness in the lives of same-sex couples, and had the courage and humility to change his mind.

I offer him my appreciation and my prayers.”

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