Bishop Dietsche asks prayers, affirms recent settlement at General Seminary

Bishop Andy Dietsche of New York recently made a personal statement about the situation at the General Theological Seminary at his diocesan convention. It concludes:

And I want to be clear that in my judgment the Board of Trustees of General Seminary is made up of the finest, most committed people, and I pray daily that the course we are on will be the right course, and that General Seminary may find its way to a renewed health and strength in its formation of ordained ministers for the church. A way forward has been named, and agreements reached by all parties. Yet it is fragile, and if the seminary and all of the people within it are to get safely to the other side together it will require the greatest charity and forbearance from everyone, perhaps especially on the part of those outside the seminary community.

I have found these weeks to be surprisingly and powerfully emotional. So many of the affections and loyalties I have for everyone involved have been too much in opposition and conflict. I have from time to time found myself unexpectedly overcome. These weeks have called out from me, as from everyone involved, my most fervent prayers and deepest feelings, and still do.

What I require of myself and ask of you is that we refrain from demonizing anyone. I will ask that you hold in your prayers the faculty of the seminary, and remember that these close colleagues have become divided from one another by decisions made and actions taken. I ask your prayers for the dean and president of the seminary, and that he and the faculty find a healthy renewed ability to work together for the good of their students. I ask your prayers for the Board of Trustees, and for the Executive Committee. Pray especially for the Chairman of the Board, who is my predecessor as Bishop of New York and the long time pastor of this diocese and your churches. And above all, pray for the students of General.

What do you think the future holds for General Seminary?

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