Bishop-elect of Texas

The second youngest bishop in the Episcopal Church was elected Saturday in Texas. The Rev. C. Andrew Doyle will, upon receiving the proper consents, be the ninth Bishop of Texas. And he’s a blogger.

Episcopal News Service reports:

The Rev. C. Andrew Doyle was elected May 24 to be the ninth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

Doyle, 41, is a native of the diocese who has spent his entire ordained ministry in the diocese. He is currently canon to the ordinary for Texas Bishop Don Wimberly. Doyle describes himself in his autobiographical sketch as having grown up “High Church Anglo-Catholic.” He and his wife JoAnne are the parents of Caisa, 11, and Zoë, 6.

He earned the Master of Divinity degree from Virginia Theological Seminary in 1995, was ordained deacon in the Diocese of Texas later that year and ordained a priest in 1996. Doyle served at St. Stephen’s School in Austin, Texas; Christ Church in Temple, Texas; and St. Francis Episcopal Church in College Station before becoming canon to the ordinary in 2003.

Doyle was elected on the fourth ballot from among six nominees. He received 264 of 481 votes in the lay order and 128 of 247 in the clergy order. An election on that ballot required 241 lay votes and 124 clergy.

Read more here and here.

Doyle is blogging his experience here.

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