Bishop of Jerusalem visits Gaza

In February The Lead reported that the Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem was denied entry into Gaza when he and others were on their way to visit the Anglican Ahli Arab Hospital. Tuesday they were given permission according to a report from the The Episcopal/Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem:

On Tuesday, March 10, Bishop Suheil Dawani, Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, was granted permission to go into Gaza to make a pastoral visit to our diocesan hospital, Ahli Arab Hospital. Bishop Suheil was accompanied by Greek Catholic Archbishop Elias Chacour and Lutheran Bishop Munib Younan. Driving in Bishop Dawani’s car, the three Church leaders made their way through the badly damaged area of northern Gaza to the hospital, which has served over 400 casualties during the recent crisis.

There are approximately 3,500 Christians living in Gaza. During his visit, the Bishop said the ‘’Christian presence must be empowered and must remain in the Holy Land.’’ He encouraged Gazan Christians to “look forward and build up what has been destroyed, to keep faith and hope in the future, and carry on living in hope of a more normal situation despite all the hardships they have been facing.”’

Read it all here.

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