The Episcopal News Service reports on the invitations that have been sent to select bishops around the Anglican Communion by the Bishop of Pittsburgh:
“Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan, moderator of the Common Cause Partnership, which describes itself as ‘a federation of Anglican jurisdictions in North America,’ has invited conservative archbishops, bishops, clergy and laity from around the world to a June 14-22 conference in the Holy Land, ignoring a plea from Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem Suheil Dawani who says he is ‘deeply troubled’ by the planned gathering and has asked its organizers to reconsider.
Dawani, who was not consulted about the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON), is concerned that it ‘will import inter-Anglican conflict into our diocese, which seeks to be a place of welcome for all Anglicans,’ he said in a January 2 statement.
GAFCON is due to be held one month prior to the Lambeth Conference when more than 800 of the Anglican Communion’s bishops will descend on the University of Kent in Canterbury, England, for more than two weeks of spiritual reflection, learning, sharing and discerning.
According to organizers, GAFCON is not intended as a specific challenge to the Lambeth Conference, but it ‘will provide opportunities for fellowship and care for those who have decided not to attend Lambeth.’
Duncan’s invitation, dated January 6 and addressed to ‘all bishops of the common cause partnership,’ was issued on behalf of six Anglican Primates, several bishops — some of whom are former Episcopalians — and two lay canons.
Meeting under the theme, ‘A Gospel of Power and Transformation,’ the conference, Duncan said, ‘will bring together orthodox Anglican bishops from all over the world, especially gathering those who for reasons of conscience are unable to accept their invitation to this year’s Lambeth Conference, as well as some who believe it crucially important to attend both conferences.'”
Read the rest here.