Bishop Tutu to lead peace mission

Ekklesia reports that a delegation from a group called The Elders will go to Darfur on a peace mission. The Elders are retired statesmen organized by Nelson Mandela who are attempting to make a difference in making peace, working to alleviate poverty and combatting HIV/AIDS. They include former US President, Jimmy Carter.

A delegation of influential elder statesmen without ‘elections to win and constituencies to please’ is to be led by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in the latest initiative to bring peace to Darfur.

At least 200,000 people have died and some 2m forced from their homes during the four year conflict.

The “Elders” will travel to Khartoum at the end of the month to meet representatives from all sides.

They will then go to Darfur to talk to local community leaders and some of the displaced people now living in camps.

Desmond Tutu, Nobel laureate and former Archbishop of Cape Town said: “We want community leaders in Darfur to feel that they have been heard by us.”

“And to the extent that we could then communicate their aspirations, their longings, particularly the women’s groups, we will do so”, he said.

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