Blessing the Days


Dear Friend, 


It’s almost the end of another month. Where does the time go? Or perhaps you’re willing the time to be different, less stuck in the cycle of uncertainty amidst a global pandemic and racial unrest. 


Wherever you are and however you’re feeling, I thought of you and wish to offer this blessing. 


For this day, and all the days to come, I hope you feel the sacredness of your moments – 

The joy in the first bite of that summer tomato. 

The sound of rain falling 

The beauty found in the many shades of green leaves 

The first sip of coffee 

A hand-written letter.  


For this day, and all the days to come, I hope you feel God’s presence –

In the songs of birds

The voice of a friend calling on the phone

Gathering for worship in your homes on computers

Reading a bible story with your children for the hundredth time

Gazing at the stars overhead. 


For this day, and all the days to come, I hope you pay attention to the beauty –

In neighbors checking in on one another

Voices lifted up for justice

Conversations full of listening and respect

Shared meals with family. 


Today is a gift meant to be savored and embraced. A day dripping with possibility. Moment after moment filled with holy encounters and the Spirit’s movement. 


Even in the uncertainty and the fear, God is with us. May this refrain be yours: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)


Take heart, friend. We’re in this together. I give thanks for this last month, and for the month to come. May we find the strength to walk the road ahead of us trusting that we do not go alone. 


Giving thanks to God for you. Amen. 


Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. You can read more at her website, follow her work on Facebook, or sign up for her monthly newsletter

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