Breaking news: nothing happened

Updated again: A stray thought regarding the GAFCON statement reproduced below:

There are no names on this document. The GASFCONistas routinely afix names to documents without showing them to the alleged authors. The Primate of Tanzania is the most recent person to complain about this.

So who wrote this? Well, who writes most of the stuff for Akinola or Orombi? Minns of CANA, Anderson of the AAC, and others. So the people asking for recognition may be the ones writing the document that says recognition is on the way. Theological and ecclesiological issues aside, how can the Communion reward such fraudulence? Of course, this is the Anglican Communion which appointed Bernard Malango, Primate of Central Africa, to the panel that produced the Windsor Report, a perch from which this ally of Zimbabwe’s dictator Robert Mugabe expounded on the moral evils of the West.

Updated:: The GAFCON primates, all of whom sponsor anti-gay breakway church in the U. S. and Canada (and most of whom benefit finacially from doing so), unsurprisingly believe that it is a good idea to support anti-gay breakaway churches in the U. S. and Canada. They write:

“Primates of the GAFCON Primates’ Council meeting in London have issued the following statement about the Province of the Anglican Church in North America:

We welcome the news of the North American Anglican Province in formation. We fully support this development with our prayer and blessing, since it demonstrates the determination of these faithful Christians to remain authentic Anglicans.

North American Anglicans have been tragically divided since 2003 when activities condemned by the clear teaching of Scripture and the vast majority of the Anglican Communion were publicly endorsed. This has left many Anglicans without a proper spiritual home. The steps taken to form the new Province are a necessary initiative. A new Province will draw together in unity many of those who wish to remain faithful to the teaching of God’s word, and also create the highest level of fellowship possible with the wider Anglican Communion.

Furthermore, it releases the energy of many Anglican Christians to be involved in mission, free from the difficulties of remaining in fellowship with those who have so clearly disregarded the word of God.

If they had received any encouragement for this venture from Rowan Williams they would have said so. And without his support, this proposed province has no chance for official recognition.

Original item:

Ruth Gledhill reports that five Primates came to talk with the Archbishop of Canterbury about the goings-on in the Anglican Communion and, presumably, the events in Wheaton. She says nothing happened.

The five primates of Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Southern Cone met with the Archbishop of Canterbury in the cathedral. They prayed, started talking at 10am, prayed, had lunch, prayed, carried on talking, prayed again and finished mid-afternoon. Discussions were pretty frank and they went over everything, from Lambeth 1:10, through 2003 to the present day. No-one blinked.

Read it here.

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