Bridging a divide through ongoing dialogue

At a recent meeting of the Compass Rose Society at the Church of the Redeemer in Sarasota, Fla., the Rev. Canon Kenneth Kearon said that the Anglican Consultative Council is uniquely poised to be an instrument of reconciliation, according to an article in The Living Church:

Although the rhetoric was worrying, Canon Kearon said he was encouraged by the conversations underway “where people have been engaged in dialogue in a public way across what looked like an irreconcilable divide.”

The troubles facing the Anglican Communion are being experienced in most churches, he said. “We are working these issues out in public, and I am proud to be an Anglican because of that.”

Canon Kearon explained that “at the heart” of Anglicanism, “authority lies in the dioceses and parishes, not at the top.” That is where the “life of the church is and where mission and ministry happen.”

What holds the Communion together is the “figure of the Archbishop of Canterbury” as Anglicans across the globe are “not in communion with one another but with him.”

Kearon also said that there wasn’t friction between him and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Read more about Canon Kearon’s address here.

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