An Episcopal News story by Jim Goodman, editor of the St. Andrew’s Cross, announces that the Episcopal men’s ministry the Brotherhood of St. Andrew has taken steps toward education in racial reconciliation among its 5,000 members, including the establishing of a Committee on Racial Reconciliation.
Floridian Joe McDaniel Jr. has been appointed national vice president of the Brotherhood of St Andrew’s newly created Committee on Racial Reconciliation.
He is tasked with creating a strategy to expose the 5,000-member men’s ministry to the Episcopal Church’s Ministry of Racial Reconciliation.
A former corporate finance attorney in New York City, McDaniel was a deputy to General Convention in 2018. He also served as the legislative assistant to the House of Deputies Committee for the Confirmation of the Presiding Bishop at the 2015 General Convention.
He is a trained facilitator in conducting racial reconciliation workshops in the Episcopal Diocese of The Central Gulf Coast, where he also serves on its Commission on Ministry and its Cursillo Commission. He has been a delegate at numerous diocesan conventions and has served as senior warden for Christ Church Episcopal Parish and on a various number of its committees and sub-committees.
The announcement was made “July 21 in Louisville during the Brotherhood’s annual national council meeting.”
…our goal is to conduct a series of workshops across the nation and invite all the Brotherhood of St. Andrew chapters in the applicable dioceses to attend these one-day workshops, where they will be exposed to the national curriculum developed by The Episcopal Church on Racial Reconciliation. The goal of such training is to expose and uncover the unconscious biases, in a non-threatening way, which we all harbor towards one another, with the purpose of learning who we are and why we think the way we do.
The goal is for The Brotherhood to be on the forefront of the Jesus Movement in its Ministry of Racial Reconciliation as we seek the furtherance of the beloved community.