Episcopal News Service reports:
Churches throughout England have responded to a call from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York for a “great wave of prayer” in the week leading up to Pentecost Sunday for the re-evangelization of England. Dubbed, Thy Kingdom Come, from the words of the Lord’s Prayer, the week will see parish churches and cathedrals hold 24/7 prayer rotas, open prayer times and special services….
Welby says that he wants people to pray for “a renewal of expectancy in the abundancy and the overflowing of Christ in their lives together, so that people right across the country see who Jesus is and are drawn to faith in him.”
He suggested three areas that Christians taking part in the prayer week could pray for: that all Christians find new life in their relationship with Jesus Christ; that all those who they meet and are close to see something of Jesus that draws them towards faith in him; and that the Church is “so full of the life and joy of Christ that it overflows with the reality of the presence of Jesus.”
What are your thoughts? Will you be praying? What results do you expect?