Subversive Undercroft #202: Feel the Spirit
In this episode we learn a handy Latin term describing why church sometimes drives one crazy and we begin our conversation on what the catechism has to say about the Holy Spirit
In this episode we learn a handy Latin term describing why church sometimes drives one crazy and we begin our conversation on what the catechism has to say about the Holy Spirit
Today’s is the last episode for season two and its a special episode for Pride
David and Charlette talk about what it means to be good soil, and our need to control how things grow.
We close out our conversations on the creeds by talking about the Athanasian creed (which isn’t really a creed nor was it written by Athanasius) plus we highlight an ancient heresy and Lisa delights to learn Jon was wrong* in a previous episode.
This week we’re taslking about the Spanish mystic, reformer, author and Doctor of the Church, Teresa of Avila
The crew talks about their own picks for your pop culture delight
David and Charlette discuss Jesus’ response to his family and faith community, the invitation to be part of his ministry, and what it looks like when we resist change.
A queen and mother of kings who also led the French Protestant movement known as the Huguenots
Charlette and Maya Little-Sana discuss Nicodemus and the way the Holy Spirit moves
Welcome to our 200th episode and thanks for being in the journey with us. This week we’re continuing our exploration of the creeds, inspired by the catechism, focusing on the Apostle’s and Nicene creeds. Plus we learn a bit of Roman history.