2FAB: Anastastia of Sirmium
Luci and Jordan on the ancient martyr Anastasia of Smirmium ( in the Roman province of Pannonia Secunda; modern Serbia)
Luci and Jordan on the ancient martyr Anastasia of Smirmium ( in the Roman province of Pannonia Secunda; modern Serbia)
Are we followers of Jesus, or merely his admirers?
Special guest, The Rev. Hannah Wilder, joins in to discuss the story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem
A conversation about Pop Culture around the World
Luci and Jordan on the Portugese saint and martyr, Quiteria
Ezekiel’s prophecy to the dead reminds of the possibility and promise of God’s love and the new life to come. Also, #WorstLentEver
How does Jesus bringing Lazarus from the tomb speak to us today?
special guest Kari Robinson joins in to discuss the story of Jesus healing a blind man from this week’s gospel reading, it’s implications for our spiritual lives, and what conversations at home will be like based on these gospel themes.
Faith calls us to perceive the world differently, to take it in as God does
This week, 2FAB takes on St Stephanie, aka St Corona, who was martyred for her compassion