Faith to Go for the Sixth Sunday of Easter
The Faith to Go Team looks at the two options for gospels readings from John for this week
The Faith to Go Team looks at the two options for gospels readings from John for this week
God doesn’t love us because we’re awesome, but in spite of the fact that we aren’t
How do we live into and talk about Christ’s “new” commandment?
Joy is the gift of the creator and the power that can move the world
The story of Jesus on the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah), its implications for our spiritual lives, and what conversations at home might be like
Jesus is the good shepherd; so what does that mean for us as we walk in death’s shadowed valley?
How does Jesus’ appearance have an impact in our lives?
Paul’s conversion is pretty dramatic, but Jesus invites all of us to see the world in a new way
Doubt is not the opposite of faith. Faith is a powerful mystery whose true opposite is certainty.