Subversive Undercroft #216: God? Can We Talk?
We’re continuing our examination of prayer and its place as the cornerstone of life committed to following Jesus.
We’re continuing our examination of prayer and its place as the cornerstone of life committed to following Jesus.
Joe and Drew continue the deconstruction of their evangelical background this week by examining the Rapture. But first, Drew challenges Joe to a test of strength and Joe gets heated about the heat of artificial cinnamon.
Molly Brant, also known as Konwatsi’tsiaienni or Degonwadonti, was a Mohawk leader in British New York and Upper Canada in the era of the American Revolution.
Co-host Charlette and The Reverend Hannah Wilder talk about the complicated beauty of hope in this week’s Gospel reading
I mean, what can we say really? This guy is a legend and a hero to us and probably will be to you, too, in about 56 minutes.
“What is the duty of Christians?”, the BCP asks; Jon and Lisa offer their thoughts and reflect on the BCP’s answer. Plus we talk about how much we love the word “wee.”
This week: The Puritan reformer who paid a high price for challenging the male-dominated religious/civic authorities of her day.
David and Charlette answer a listener email about the story of the Syrophoenician woman and discuss Jesus’ teaching about divorce from this week’s gospel, its the implication for our spiritual lives, and what conversations at home will be like based on these gospel themes
oe gets a piercing on the air. Drew learns to tithe his rum, gin, and bourbon but can’t remember the weights for his alcohol points system. And together they learn the hard way how to drink like a Christian.
Season 3, Episode 4: This week, Luci and Jordan on the 17th century French nun, who felt called to work in colonial Montreal