Category: Speaking to the Soul

Dance and Sing Your Way Into the Summer.

“This week I have been struggling. How can I celebrate this summer when so many around the world are still dying of COVID? How can I plan a vacation when so many are being evicted from their homes? How can I rejoice with my own peaceful and comfortable existence when there is still so much violence in our world? I want to enjoy my new found freedom but not at the expense of those who have been marginalized by the pandemic.”

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Souls Bound and Covenanting

“Even today many young men and women, finding their souls bound to the soul of another of the same sex, have to be duplicitous.  Unable to give themselves fully to a heterosexual relationship and equally unable to remain celebate, they live out their most meaningful relationships in darkness.  Some suffer such horror and despair that they take their own lives.”

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Don’t Worry!

” I think the important thing that Jesus would want us to learn from the verse from Matthew is that worries will always be with us.  We should deal with what is on our plate now, not what will be for dinner tomorrow. In short, don’t borrow trouble.”

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Peace, Be Still

“Peace, be still.

It is the time of year that darkness descends like a curtain on the ground only reluctantly, when the long days stretch indolently like a satisfied cat. This is the time of year when the lure of the outdoors exercises a mesmerizing hold on those of us who love summer.”

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Stormy weather

The clouds that run in on the wind cannot obscure God’s judgement or muffle her mercy; that the Holy Spirit dances in the tree tops, bending with them towards the earth, kissing the ground that we walk upon with grace and loving kindness.

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“The Spirit, not content to flit around on the surface, dives into the depths of God, and brings out what God planned all along. Who ever knows what you’re thinking and planning except you yourself? The same with God—except that he not only knows what he’s thinking, but he lets us in on it.”

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Anointing One Another

“I wonder what sorts of dreams David had before Samuel’s arrival.  He was a poet and a musician.  Did he play for his brothers and for the sheep he tended, thinking that would be his greatest gift?  Did he envision a lifetime of caring for the family flocks on the Palistinian hillsides?”

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“Another question that occurred to me was, where is this happening in our own time? Who has authority,  and where does it come from?  Religious sects and denominations, political parties, martial and judicial officials, and even groups like homeowners’ associations claim power and authority, yet where does it come from?”

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