Category: The Magazine

Fragments on Fragments #3: Being Human in a Pandemic

“It’s not at all obvious what a way out would look like from a pandemic. This coronavirus has proved very efficient at spreading itself, and very difficult to dislodge from society. The more we meet each other, the more opportunities for it to spread. And there aren’t many of us who would look forward to a lifetime of spatially distanced conversations with our friends and families. A way of living which allows us to meet each other without restriction or anxiety does indeed seem unattainable and inaccessible.”

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Fragments on Fragments #1: Being Human in a Pandemic

“It’s hard work psychologically, living in a world in which the boundaries and frameworks of our lives are always changing. If there is any comfort to be had, it is that the stress many of us feel is not because of a fault or weakness in ourselves. The situation itself is stress-inducing, so feeling stressed is perfectly normal. The question is how we support one another and look after ourselves, within and through this time.”

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Ecclesial Epistemic Humility

“Today is Sunday. I am planning to make a casserole, bake a homemade apple pie, bake some bread, mix a cocktail in a pitcher and have some friends over, six feet apart, to eat and drink and laugh and weep and make political donations, make the debate into a drinking game and discuss our lives – the successes, the failures. We will share life-advice and courage. And when I do that I will wonder… “what would Jesus do if he saw us doing this instead of going to Church?”

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Uncovering Recovery: The Coiled Spring

“This is because the problem of the alcoholic is not alcohol; it’s alcoholism.  Alcohol (or ice cream or dice or sex or banging on the steering wheel) is not the problem… in fact, it’s a solution, a way of medicating the problem.  The problem is what Bob D. calls “the coiled spring.”  Bob, a national-level speaker within the recovery community, says that inside every alcoholic/addict there is a spring in the gut that gets wound tighter and tighter.  Each resentment, each emotional wound, each baffling situation, increases the tension on the spring.  Our fear and anxiety continue to grow, and we suffer.  At some point, our suffering is great enough that we need relief.  The alcoholic or addict finds (temporary) relief/escape through their addictive behaviors.”

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I wish I had known.

“I wish I had known 
How God
Would use my study for my conversion.
I wish I had known how little the scriptures 
Would take part.
And how much the walks on beaches would.
And the dogs.”

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A Revival of Indifference

“Across this nation, the false prophet of these revivals is systematically drowning out the cries of communities gasping for air with cries to the false idol of human ego. Instead of caring for those who are in actual distress they distress themselves with the fiction that they are silenced, banned, and their civil liberties attacked.”

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Five Bible-Walks in the Holy Land

In the land of Israel, almost any piece of ground your footsteps steps on, also has a biblical connection. The major sites like the Church of Holy Sepulcher or the Mount of Beatitudes need no further introduction. Here we will describe 5 walks to lesser-known spots that associate with the greatest story of the bible. Reaching the location on foot brings an added value of a deeper connection with the land.

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A Meditation on Eve

“Eve, by eating of the apple takes God’s wisdom into her physical body-cells and heart-soul.  God entered into each cell of her body in that moment and we have inherited that presence of God in our cells. Eve then leaves the garden because she has wisdom and no longer needs the protection of the garden walls. She leaves being an adolescent and becomes an adult, able to hear God’s voice because God dwells inside her.”

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