Catholic groups withdraw investments from coal, oil and gas

In a move against climate change, at a time when Donald Trump is considering withdrawing the United States from the Paris Agreement,

Nine Catholic organizations from around the world have announced they are divesting their savings from coal, oil and gas companies in a joint bid to fight climate change.

According to Religion News, those nine organizations include the Wheaton Franciscan Sisters, “the Mission Congregation of the Servants of the Holy Spirit, the Italian Diocese of Pescara, Il Dialogo, the Italian Jesuits, the Rete Interdiocesana Nuovi Stili di Vita (a network of 80 Italian dioceses), Italy’s Siloe Monastic Community, St. Joseph’s Province of the Congregation of the Passion in England and the U.S.-based MGR Foundation.”

Sister Sheila Kinsey of the Wheaton Franciscan Sisters:

“Pope Francis has called on us to listen to the cry of the Earth and to take care of the poor… It is imperative that we make some decisions to capture the urgency of this moment. We have to get the message out loud and clear.

“We have a window of opportunity to do something and transition, rather than be reactionary,” she said. “We have to look at ways that people can be employed differently.”

The Global Catholic Climate Movement website includes resources and more information on its website, pointing out that

Over 530 institutions globally, representing over $3.4 trillion in funds under management, have committed to divest. They include institutions such as the World Council of Churches, the Lutheran World Federation, the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and many academic institutions such as Stanford University and Oxford University.


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