Catholic govs pan DC archdiocese tactics on same-sex marriage

Religioin News Service has the story that broke on WTOP News:

As the Archdiocese of Washington steps up its campaign against (all but certain) same-sex marriages in the District of Columbia, the Catholic governors of Maryland and Virginia, both Democrats, are crying foul.

Virginia’s Tim Kaine, a former missionary and head of the Democratic National Committee, and Maryland’s Martin O’Malley said it would be “wrong” for the archdiocese to yank its social service contracts in the city if same-sex marriage becomes legal.

Kaine: “I’m Catholic, and I think it’s wrong. I don’t think you take your ball and go home.”

Adds O’Malley: “I have a hard time believing that the nuns and priests who taught me about the Corporal Works of Mercy would agree that this is an appropriate response for the church.”

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