Charleston Post & Courier: Episcopal Church schism enters new chapter of uncertainty after court ruling

The Post and Courier reports on Friday’s meeting of the continuing diocese in South Carolina as well as the extension granted the breakaway diocese to file a request a rehearing of the state’s Supreme Court decision involving the two dioceses:

The Diocese of South Carolina under the leadership of Bishop Mark Lawrence was granted an extension on Friday for filing a request for a rehearing, giving lawyers 30 days to submit their petition with the S.C. Supreme Court. If granted the petition, attorneys will argue the case again, this time potentially before a court whose members have partially changed. If the petition is not granted, the Diocese of South Carolina still can submit a writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking for its intervention. The high court generally has not chosen to hear cases of this type in the past. [“potentially” was added to P&C’s story on 8/14/17]

At Grace Church Cathedral in downtown Charleston, leaders of The Episcopal Church in South Carolina [the continuing diocese] gathered Friday to discuss the S.C. Supreme Court opinions and then attended a prayer service. The Very Rev. Michael Wright, rector and dean of Grace Church, said the cathedral has served as “a refuge from the storm” for many, gaining a large number of worshipers from parishes that left The Episcopal Church. They must now contemplate “the next phase” in the life of the diocese, he said.

The article includes a history of the property dispute and the nature of the court’s decision.

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