Christians in Iraq

In this time of extreme violence against Christians in Iraq, the Rt. Rev. Michael Lewis, The Anglican Bishop of Cyprus and the Gulf, whose diocese includes Iraq, has expressed his strong solidarity with all Christians in Iraq

The bishop recently visited Baghdad, where he met religious and political leaders, including major Shi’a and Sunni figures, as well as diplomats.

Speaking from Nicosia, Cyprus, he said:

“I am in close touch, as always, with our priest in Baghdad, Canon Andrew White, and with leaders of our congregations, especially at St George’s church in the north-western suburbs. The threats, injuries, and deaths in the Mosul area are a deep grief to all Christians in the nation of Iraq and throughout the world, and fly in the face of centuries-long coexistence and toleration in the land, where Christian families have lived and prospered from near the very beginnings of our faith.

“I am glad to hear that key figures in both the Christian and the main Muslim communities are united in condemnation of the violence and are soon to meet.

Read the letter here.

Canon Andrew White, priest in Baghdad, writes in his weekly letter that the head of the Baghdad City Council came to church with some of the Council. Although all are Muslim, he wanted to come to the biggest church in his city to express solidarity with the Christians.

Dear Friends,

Blessings from Baghdad. It all should be awful here: we may be in the most dangerous place in the world and we have indeed seen terrible things happening to the Christians here in the past few days but today has been wonderful. The day started with the service in the US Embassy which was alive and passionate. Chaplain Causey was leading the worship and he has truly spiced up our praise. I used to say that the Episcopal service in the Embassy was my most boring service. It is no longer.

St George’s today was simply incredible. The head of the Baghdad City Council came to church with some of the Council. They were all Muslim but he wanted to come to the biggest church in his city to express solidarity with the Christians. He spoke to us all and amazingly showed great support and assured us that he was with us and would do anything for us. He has even agreed to build a large hall with a kindergarten. The drawings are being worked on and they will go to our Embassy- they own the land- and to our Diocese to seek permission. So despite all the problems things have been very positive.

Blessings and Peace from Baghdad,


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