Christmas Wars spread to commuters in NYC

Commuters into New York City, as they make the journey into the city, are being invited to take a stand about the meaning of Christmas:

“For the last three weeks, New Jersey commuters entering the tunnel have had to sit in traffic and contemplate the sight of a billboard with a picture of a nativity scene, a star and three wise men. Its message: ‘You know it’s a myth,’ courtesy of a group called American Atheists.

Drivers can mull over this challenge for the few minutes of purgatory it takes to cross under the Hudson River. Once they make it through the tunnel into New York, however, they’ll encounter another billboard, this one from the Catholic League.

It’s the same nativity scene, but this time with a retort: ‘You know it’s real.'”

From here.

The article goes on to detail the arguments made by the Catholic League and the Atheists. They’re pretty much seeing the conflict as a win for both. Both signs are driving funds to the respective organizations.

But, as one of us on the Café newsteam pointed out, perhaps the real, positive action to take in response to the message, would be to pull your car over and do something for the homeless people who are congregating near the signs. That would make Christmas real on any number of different levels…

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