Church for the 21st Century

The Rev. Howard Anderson, Warden and President of the Cathedral College has news of an exciting conference coming up May 10-12:

Church for the 21st Century:

A Gathering to Envision, Encourage and Energize Congregations

Dear Friend:

Join the journey of generous-spirited Christians creating the church for the 21st century. Come join us at Washington National Cathedral to reflect on the direction of the church. Share in creating a time of holy space in worship, music, meals and prayer. Explore key areas including worship, hospitality, discernment, tradition, justice, formation and beauty, drawn from Diana Butler Bass’ latest book Christianity for the Rest of Us.

We are pleased to announce presentations by leading theologians and practitioners including:

Diana Butler Bass, Michael Battle, Marcus Borg, Fred Burnham, Carmen Guerrero, Tony Jones, Samuel Lloyd, Barbara Brown Taylor and Phyllis Tickle.

Conference activities also include: best practices sessions with examples from thriving congregations; a wide variety of community conversation circles for networking; shared meals; and roundtable discussions.

Schedule and Fees: The conference runs from Thursday, May 10 at 2 pm until Saturday, May 12 with the conclusion of the noon Eucharist. The registration fee of $250 includes program costs, Thursday dinner, Friday lunch, Friday “Eucharist meal” and Friday evening reception.

There’s more information, and online registration here. A tentative schedule lurks beneath the “continue reading” tab.

Church for the 21st Century

May 10-12, 2007

Cathedral College

Washington National Cathedral

Preliminary Schedule

(as of 4/13/07)

Thursday, May 10

1-2 pm Registration

2-3:30 pm Opening


First Plenary: Phyllis Tickle, followed by roundtable discussion

3:30 pm Break

4-5:15 pm Sam Lloyd, followed by roundtable discussions

6:00 pm Dinner

7:15-8:30pm Marcus Borg, followed by roundtable discussions

8:30 pm Evening Prayer

9- ? Theology and beer in local pubs with Tony Jones and Steve Pankey

and a cast of dozens? (at Cactus Cantina)

Friday, May 11

9:30 A Morning Prayer

9:40-10:55 Diana Butler Bass with roundtable discussions

11-12:15 First Best Practices concurrent sessions/Book Signing

(Participants Choose a session to attend)

• Worship-Devon Anderson

• Contemplation/Discernment- Eugene Sutton and Michael Battle

• Hospitality -Roy Terry

• Healing- Graham Standish

• Testimony-Paul Abernathy

• Diversity-Randolph Charles, Anne-Marie Jeffrey

• Justice-Eric Elness

• Reflection/Formation-Marianne Borg#

• Beauty/Aesthetic-Heidi Christensen and Peggy (Margaret Adams) Parker

(Names listed are “catalysts” who will share their practices to get discussion started)

12:30-1:30 Lunch

Best Practices Sharing II and

1:45-3 pm Community Conversation Circles

Concurrent Sessions II – repeat of Sessions I with a few additions such as:

Crosswalk America/Progressive Christian web tv with Eric Elness#

Emerging Churches with Tony Jones;

Latino/Hispanic with Jesus Reyes and Carmen Guerrero-Stamp

African American with Eugene Sutton and

Network Theory and the 21st Cent. Church with Fred Burnham

The Beatitudes Society-with Ann Howard

The New Monasticism- with Jonathan Hartgrove-Wilson

Network Theory with Fred Burnham

3:30-4:45 Tony Jones, with roundtable discussions

4:45-5:15 Tony Jones and Diana Butler Bass dialogue

5:30 pm Community Conversation Circles II

Concurrent Sessions: /Booksignings; Some from above

Latino Group/African American Group/Young Adult Group

Emergent Groups/Network Theory/groups that self-organize to share ideas

including those specifically listed above

7:00 pm Worship – “Feast” theme (that would include Eucharist/meal)

Barbara Brown Taylor preaching

8:30 Reception in the nave for all (sponsored, in part by HarperOne and Alban


9:30-? Theology and beer at local pubs

Saturday, May 12

8:30-9:45 am Michael Battle followed by round table discussions

10-11:15 Barbara Brown Taylor followed by round table discussions

11:15-11:45 Phyllis Tickle’s Closing Observations about the Conference

Noon Concluding Worship (Celtic Service-Gary Jones)


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