Church of England reaction to GAFCON

The Church Times has a pair of articles that report on the effects that the Jerusalem based GAFCON conference might have on the Lambeth Conference this summer.

In the first article, which discusses the press briefing that accompanied the launch of the Lambeth Conference Office, both the Bishop of Durham, and the Archbishop of Canterbury have expressed their concern:

“…prominent Evangelical, the Bishop of Durham, Dr Tom Wright, has also countered the impression that ‘the GAFCON movement’ is the cradle of biblical orthodoxy. Writing in this week’s Church Times, he states: ‘Some who want to go to Lambeth are under primatial pressure not to do so, and to go to GAFCON instead.’

On the subject of GAFCON, Dr Williams said merely: ‘I do have real concerns that in this case there are unresolved issues for the local Church, the Church in Jerusalem, that have pinpointed some real anxieties about having such a conference at this time in the Holy Land.’”

In the second article, the Church Times reports on the Bishop of Jerusalem’s request that a different venue be found for GAFCON in his meeting with the Conference organizers, a story that we covered earlier in the week.

Thinking Anglicans has a summary of additional news, plus a link to the article by Bishop Wright, which appears in the Church Times, but which is not otherwise available to paid subscribers.

UPDATE: The site Covenant-Communion has the full text of Bishop Wright’s article which was with permission of the author.

Read the rest here.

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