Churches uniting to resettle the Burmese refugees

CBS news has a video post up that reports on how Burmese refugees (from modern day Myanmar) are being welcomed into communities in Kentucky by a broad coalition of congregations and denominations. The report was probably motivated by the US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton’s visit to Myanmar yesterday.

“Eh-Nay-Thaw is among several hundred refugees from Burma who have been embraced by Crescent Hill Baptist Church. Officially resettled as refugees, they come here with full legal status: Welcome to work, welcome to go to school, welcome to stay.

“God has sent a miracle for us and we have a chance to come here, which is good,” said Eh-Nay-Thaw.

Groups like Kentucky Refugee Ministries provide support with English classes, assistance with government paperwork, and job placement.”

More here.

While the video features the ministry of Crescent Hill Baptist in Louisville, a number of other congregations, including St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in the region have also been involved. And Kentucky isn’t the only state where Burmese refugees are being resettled. Our Cathedral here in Phoenix has been actively supporting a number of Burmese refugee families over the past two years as well.

Are there other places that you’re aware of that are practicing this sort of hospitality ministry?

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