I am open to the amicable separation of dissenting congregations from the Episcopal Church. And I am open—post separation—to congregations in our church aligning themselves with other provinces in the Communion, so long as theological minorities in other provinces are accorded similar rights. And I am eager to move in the direction of resolution as quickly as possible because I believe the anxiety that attends our current crisis is detrimental to the health of our Church.
But if separation is attempted through confrontation rather than negotiation, if rights are asserted by parties who do not possess them, then I think the Church has to respond aggressively, or risk anarchy. For that reason, I was pleased to read the letter Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori released yesterday to Bishop John-David Schofield of the Diocese of San Joaquin (whose relevant etter is here.)
In this letter, Bishop Jefferts Schori makes a single, unremarkable point: The Episcopal Church intends to adhere to its constitution and canons. That this statement produced such relief on the left and anger on the right (see the appropriate blogs for a sampling) indicates that the Church had previously done a poor job of communicating its resolve.
For more than three years, the Church’s internal and external opponents have behaved as though in consecrating Gene Robinson as the Bishop of New Hampshire, the Church forfeited the right to enforce its own rules. Bishop Jefferts Schori has made it clear that this is not the case.
I think the presiding bishop’s letter will allay the anxiety of the majority of the Episcopal faithful, who may have wondered whether the Church’s leaders had spine sufficient to respond to a direct challenge.
I would like to believe that Bishop Schofield would now step back from the reckless course he has chosen and open negotiations with the presiding bishop on an amicable, honorable departure. This situation needn’t escalate, as more judicious conservative leaders, who have chosen a less confrontational course, are well aware.