Clergy arrested for protesting firing of union workers

Episcopal clergy are represented in arrests for civil disobedience and protest have a long history according to the website God Discussion:

Non-violent civil disobedience in the pursuit of justice and peace among Episcopal clergy happens often throughout history and some even participated in the Occupy Movement. Some clergy, such as Jack Stanton participating in a march against the firing of union workers, are arrested for civil disobedience too.

“I took the extra step of volunteering to be arrested because I thought it would call more attention to what we were doing, and it proved to be so,” said Stanton, 75, priest associate at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Miami.

Over the years, a priests and sometimes bishops protest injustices, getting arrested in the processes in order to cause people to set up and pay attention to inequality, injustices, and peace movements. Everything from the Vietnam war protests to the current injustices we see today, such a labour practices.

“I would say it’s been a steady but small presence throughout, from the anti-war days” of the Vietnam War era, said Mary Miller, who recently retired as coordinator of the Consultation, an umbrella organization for Episcopal peace and justice organizations, and formerly served as executive secretary of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship. “EPF was quite deeply involved with things like the Pentagon Masses.”

Non-violent civil disobedience is part of the Anglican Tradition, according to Mary Miller.

There are plenty of people who would argue that this is what Jesus was doing and teaching, and we do claim that. It has not since early days been the dominant thread in our history, at least not since Constantine, but the witness has always been there.

“And it has always been challenged by the folks in charge at any given time,” she added, noting how Utah Bishop Paul Jones “was drummed out of the House of Bishops during World War I” for being a pacifist.

Rev. Brian Grieves, retired director of the Episcopal Church’s peace and justice ministries, as well as the office of government relations in Washington D. C., said that civil disobedience is a matter of personal conviction, especially when clergy protest various injustices.

More links and history at the website.

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