Clergy join protests in Ferguson.

UPDATED: Follow Beth Felice, Director of Communications for the Diocese of Missouri on her Twitter stream for a more complete story of last night and events of today.

Clergy, including some Episcopal priests, joined the protests in Ferguson Monday evening. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports:

Several members of the clergy joined about 100 protesters staging a noisy but peaceful protest across from the Ferguson police station Monday night.

The members of the clergy prayed as the police and protesters faced off. About midnight, one clergyman, the Rev. Osagyefo Sekou, tweeted that he had been arrested.

Sekou was released about 1 a.m., prompting cheers from the protesters. He was charged with failure to disperse.

“It’s not about taking sides for or against the police,” Talve said. “It’s about everyone working together to reduce violence.”

In the photo of the kneeling clergy you can see: Left to Right Rebecca Ragland, Interim Rector at Holy Communion Episcopal Church University City, Mike Kinman, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Jon Stratton, Director of Deaconess Anne House, Osagyefo Sekou, Pastor for Formation & Justice, First Baptist, Jamaica Plain

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