Compassionate debate on gun control

The Senate is scheduled today to vote on gun control.

The Very Rev. Gary Hall, Dean of the Washington National Cathedral, wrote a powerful op-ed for today’s Huffington Post:

We need to fundamentally change not just the laws in America, but the culture in America. We need to move away from a culture of violence and toward a culture of compassion — to change not just laws but also hearts. This is a task uniquely suited to communities of faith, a task on which people of faith must take a lead role


The only way that humans can address large-scale questions of love and justice is in the public arena, and when we enter the public arena, we have to deal with politics. In a democracy, our laws are enacted not from above but by means of political organizing and “politics” need not be a dirty word. It’s how human beings organize our lives in society and how our public leaders conduct business, debate and pass laws, interpret and enforce them. To engage with politicians on the issue of gun violence is to do the work that God calls us to do.

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