Continuing developments in Uganda, Nigeria

After the passage of the draconian anti-gay measures in Nigeria and Uganda, the Anglican churches in those countries continue to react.

Thinking Anglicans reports that the Anglican Church of Uganda has threatened to walk away from the Church of England over disagreements regarding the anti-gay legislation. The Anglican church in Uganda supported the measure, minus the death penalty; Lambeth denounced it.

Speaking to a British newspaper, the Ugandan primate, Archbishop Stanley Ntagali said,

“The issue here is respect for our views on homosexuality, same sex marriage as a country and church. If they are not willing to listen to us. We shall consider being on our own,”

Meanwhile, in Nigeria, the Anglican Church has instituted a clause in its constitution which subjects members holding office in the church, to denounce homosexuality.

The oath reads as follows:

“I declare before God and his Church that I have never been a homosexual/bisexual or (have repented from being homosexual/bisexual) and I vow that I will not indulge in the practise of homosexuality/bisexuality.

“If after this oath I am involved, found to be, or profess to be a homosexual/bisexual against the teachings of the Holy Scriptures as contained in the Bible.

“I bring upon myself the full wrath of God and subject myself willingly to canonical discipline as enshrined in the constitution of the Church of Nigeria, so help me God.’’

Read an update on the ongoing developments here.

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